Tag: Portraits & Selfies
Portrait of Apollo 9 Crew
Portrait of the Apollo 9 prime crew in their space suits. From left to right they are: Commander, James A. McDivitt, Command Module pilot, David R. Scott, and Lunar Module pilot, Russell L. Schweickart.
John Glenn in weightlessness during the first US orbital spaceflight
The first American to orbit the Earth “photographed in space by an automatic sequence motion picture camera. He was in a state of weightlessness traveling at 17,500 mph”
Harrison Schmitt, the Earth and the US flag
“I captured the Earth, the Moon, the man, and the country all in one. I’m proud of this picture.” – Eugene Cernan
Enos the Chimp, first hominid sent by Nasa to Orbit
Enos is the chimpanzee being fitted into his pressure couch prior to his orbital flight from Cape Canaveral. On November 29, 1961, Enos would orbit the Earth on board Mercury-Atlas 5, becoming the third hominid—after cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin and Gherman Titov—to achieve Earth orbit.
The New Nine astronauts (NASA Astronaut Group 2) posing with the Original Seven Mercury Astronauts
A great portrait of the first two groups of NASA astronauts
First US Spacewalk: views of Ed White returning to the spacecraft at the end of the EVA
“During the third orbit of Earth, Ed White opened the hatch of the capsule, pushed himself out and floated in space 135 miles above the planet for 21 minutes. ‘I was taking some big steps,’ said White. From the moment he stepped outside to his reclosing of the hatch, White’s seven-league boots covered some 6,000…
The Original 7 Project Mercury Astronauts
Front row, left to right: Walter Schirra, Donald “Deke” Slayton, John Glenn, and Scott Carpenter; back row, left to right: Alan Shepard, Virgil “Gus” Grissom, and Gordon Cooper
Miss Sam
Miss Sam was one of many rhesus monkeys used to gather biomedical data on how a living organism, similar to a human, copes with space flights.