Space Mission
Apollo 8, 21 December 1968
Photo Description
Vintage gelatin silver print on fibre-based Kodak paper, 20.3 x 25.4 cm (8 x 10 in), with A KODAK PAPER watermark on verso and NASA caption on separate original sheet (NASA Headquarters)
First live TV picture of another world shared to humans on Earth, showing a small impact crater in a little mare.
Apollo Goldstone Tracking Site: The Apollo 8 crew reported:” there is a small impact crater in front of us in a little mare, well defined and quite new and another one approaching. The spacecraft is facing north of our track; we are going sideways to our left.” TV transmission pictures were taken by the Apollo 8 astronauts Borman, Lovell, and Anders when they were within approx. 70 miles of the Moon.